Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I think that reflection is difficult because it’s hard for us as humans to admit that maybe everything we did wasn’t perfect.  To go back and review what we’ve done and then to make changes isn’t always easy.  Perhaps it’s the idea that if we go back and review and reflect on what we’ve done or haven’t done, then we are more likely to be expected to change our behavior, like if we know what we’ve done wrong but do nothing about it then that is somehow worse than if we just never knew at all.  Reflection is very important however, especially when it comes to teaching, because in a way teaching is also still a learning process, you’re not going to do everything exactly eight the first time around.  So, reflection is key to becoming a better teacher, keeping record of what worked well and what didn’t, improving your teaching skills, knowing what will work and what won’t is something that can be done through reflection.  I think I reflect most effectively relatively soon after something has occurred.  For example, if you were to ask my how I felt my freshman year of high school went right now, I would probably give you a pretty general answer, and wouldn’t really be able to get very detailed about the specifics. However, if you had asked me, say, on the last day of school, I’m sure I would be able to tell you all about each of my classes and whether or not I thought each teacher was very good, I would be able to recall and therefore reflect on everything much better because it had just happened, I could still remember all of the details.  Reflecting on things doesn’t need to happen right after something, it can, or it can happen a month or a year later, what really matters is that it happens.

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